Just wanted to let everyone know that I have started my own blog. On this site, we will discuss a sundry of topics. They will range in variety from religion to the quickest method of driving a liberal sane.(They are already crazy you know-HAHAHA). Hope my many friends will join me here in a rousing game of "Confuse the Libtard" (LOL) and "Convert the Heathen". For all my friends, and even some that consider me the enemy (libs), I offer the invitation to a spirited debate. Inform your friends and enemies.
Comments should be about the post, however I do understand that they will meander from time to time. As long as they are somewhat pertinent, then that's okay by me. Just don't want to go from discussing religion to the finer points of needlepoint (lol). Comments should be respectful of each other, and not outright ad hominem attacks.(that's my province hehehehehe) I reserve the right to moderate all comments and delete those that I think violate the spirit of a good debate. Yol bolsun.
Okay. Sound off!!!!
Welcome to the wonderful world of blog ownership!
I say, my blog, my rules.
and it's about time!
warren's not so scary...
now, get busy!
I will nanc, still adding the finishing touches to getting it all set up. Was gonna post my picture, but the camera broke when it flashed my beyootiful bald head.
was that the flash i saw all the way over here in arkansas?
okay, i'm better now.
here's a good rant to start you off!
I can sum up what is wrong with Cali. with a title and one sentence.
Granola Land. What ain't fruits and flakes, the rest are nuts.
Hello Warren,
Thanks for stopping by. Will be posting topic maybe tonight.
if you're poa, then shouldn't that cat be in a litter box?
"...however I do understand that they will meander from time to time."
sooooooooo, like if we're in a serious discussion of politics, i probably shouldn't throw in a broccoli cheese soup recipe?
Hey, like Nanc said, it's about time you had a blog too!
You're on my blog roll now...
How about my Creamy Broccoli-Cheddar Soup?
POA-I agree, even Ronald, G*D bless him, was off the deep end on occassion!
I'll use Nanc's blogroll to come visit, but visit I will!
Go blog and multiply!
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