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Saturday, October 20, 2007


Ever since liberals have started to refer to themselves as "progressives", I have refused to accept their new label. I felt that it was a new deceitful way of hiding who they truly are, after all "liberal" has become synonymous with their warped ideology. While I still believe that they are attempting to hide behind a new innocuous name for themselves, I believe that they have chosen a new title that correctly reveals their nefarious intentions. The Lord does work in mysterious ways.
we do have eyes that see and ears that hear.

Wednesday, while driving to work, I had an epiphany.(for you folks in rio lindo, look it up. hahaha little rushie there.) Well anyway, the epiphany was that they have truly chosen an apt title that reveals their hidden agenda and the way they plan to institute it. Let's look back at some of their shenanigans.

Homosexuals only want to be tolerated. Doesn't sound bad does it? But then we PROGRESSIVELY are made to accept more and more of their wicked and perverted lifestyle in incremental steps. No longer is mere tolerance acceptable, they then want public acceptance, no condemnation of them, to being able to have parades that expose our children to their perversion. Now they are demanding not just tolerance, but public acceptance, demanding the same institution of marriage that has always been understood to be of a man and a woman only. To the point that they are now using our schools to indoctrinate our school children in their perversion, even in the first and second grades. See how their progressive title fits?

Take the latest Schip program. Oh it's for the children, those poor little children. Now their latest progressive step has been to try and extend that coverage to "children" that are up to 25 years old, and to families making as much as $83,000 a year. Doesn't sound like it's just for those poh children anymore. This is the step to step system of socialized medicine. Thanks, but NO THANKS. I prefer to have a dentist extract my teeth, not pull them myself like some in the English social medicine network have been doing.

How about their stand on the Iraq War. Remember before it started? The democrats demanded a vote in both houses of congress to prove that they were patriots and to get in the record that they supported this country and it's military. They have progressively gone from support to outright condemnation and lies. From trying to establish points of progress in Iraq tied to funding, to slowing the funds themselves, to demanding withdrawal dates, to sabotaging the war effort by their slander of our troops by accusing them of being torturers and killers of innocent Iraqis and worse. To their latest backdoor strategy of actively condemning Turkey for the Armenian genocide that occurred almost 100 years ago, and had nothing to do with the Turkish leadership now, but was perpetrated by the Ottoman Empire. Had this succeeded, and aggravated Turkey, an ALLY, it would have severely crippled our war effort. More than half of the supplies for our military in Iraq, flows through Turkey.

I could name many other incidents like those above that the "progressives" (pthooey) have and are using now, but I believe the picture is clear. These liberal, progressives have shown their true colors. They are progressively deceitful, progressively cowards, progressively traitorous, progressively treasonous, progressively socialist commies, progressively anti-military, progressively anti-family, progressively anti-U.S., and progressively making me want to hurl my stomach contents!!!!!!!


peedoffamerican said...

Pthooey!!!!! under any name they are still repulsive.

nanc said...

lipstick on a pig!

The Merry Widow said...

Gold earrings on swine!


nanc said...

nail polish on a horse!


The Merry Widow said...

High heels on a goat...


nanc said...

burlap on a silkworm!


The Merry Widow said...

...fig leaves on Adam and Eve...

Good morning, G*D bless and Maranatha!


nanc said...

kneesocks on a turtle?


The Merry Widow said...

...pantyhose on an elephant...


nanc said...

ketchup on a tomato!



peedoffamerican said...

Sorry for the lack of response, was out of town on sabbatical for the weekend and away from all computers.

Freedomnow said...

They are progressively demented.

Remember how Obama Osama said he was proving his patriotism by taking off his American flag lapel pin?

Now he is demonstrating his patriotism by refusing to to acknowledge the National Anthem.

You cant hide contempt. The guy wants to make self-loathing anti-Americanism acceptable for the presidency! What a loon!!!!!!

nanc said...

fern - a loon is a good bird - think of a worse nomenclature for that pissant!

oops! pardon my unladylike language...

The Merry Widow said...

...a fur coat on a fox...
Good morning, G*D bless and Maranatha!

Hope you enjoyed yourself! And got some much needed rest!

peedoffamerican said...

I did, I did again, and thank you.

Kelly said...

hey, great far.

peedoffamerican said...

Thank you kindly Kelly for your most generous comment. I am but a humble servant to the truth using my meager skills to expound upon it.

Freedomnow said...

Liberals typically love to abuse symbolism, irony and conformity.

In this case they want more than to just imply that they are “progressive”, they hope that they can surreptitiously label anyone opposed to leftwing liberalism as a “regressive”.

They kid themselves at how smart their Orwellian tactics are.